Help with navigating new website
3 Risposte
Seeing age and pictures of requesting guest
Pubblicato da Utente WS il giorno


I've searched (I think) everywhere for a means to contact the WarmShowers backoffice directly, and finding none, I put up my request here:

I do not feel at ease not being able to see the age and picture of a member requesting me for a stay. On the previous version of the website, the age of the member was displayed on their profile, and I could browse through their pictures. Now, with the new website, the age of the member is nowhere to be found, and all the image I have of the member is their avatar, which is very small, and not always of their own person. I had a request from someone whose profile picture looked like (it was too small for me to be sure) a cabin in the woods. How am I to evaluate if I am willing to host that person if they have no review yet?

I'm asking for the age of the member to be displayed on their profile, and their image gallery to be accessible, just like on the previous version of this website.

Thanks in advance


Pubblicato da Utente WS il giorno

Hi Simon and thank you for the feedback  Can you send this request to

Pubblicato da Utente WS il giorno

This was already reported, like the many other issues.

Site was working fine before and now it half broken (cant see host image, cant see host last active date ... ) and I dont even want to know why did they updated the website when the previous was working fine.

Pubblicato da Utente WS il giorno

I second the request for larger profile pictures, display of age and last-active information. Dear Warmshowers team, please fix this.

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